Hex Color codes must be given as hexadecimal numbers in the form "#RRGGBB" where RR represents the intensity of red, GG the intensity of green and BB the intensity of blue. Each intensity is a hexadecimal number from Hex 00 to Hex FF (= Dec 00 to Dec 255 = 256 intensities for each color). When using color codes in your HTML documents, you must have the # symbol in front of the color code and the whole code must be enclosed within quotation marks. Below is a table giving various colors and their corresponding codes.
#00FFFF | #008000 | #000080 | #C0C0C0 |
#000000 | #808080 | #808000 | #008080 |
#0000FF | #00FF00 | #800080 | #FFFFFF |
#FF00FF | #800000 | #FF0000 | #FFFF00 |
ACA Color Picker supports for capturing the color value of any screen pixel and displays its value in HTML HEX Color Code format. To apply this feature, please do following steps:
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