The HSV (Hue, Saturation, Value) model, also called HSB (Hue, Saturation, Brightness), defines a color space in terms of three components:
Some applications use also other kinds of this model. For instance, S and B/V with can vary from 0 up to 1, H may be normalized to 0-100%, or all three parameters can vary from 0 up to 255. Just Color Picker uses the [degree, percent, percent] notation.
It is sometimes preferable in working with art materials, digitized images, or other media, to use the HSV or HSL color model over alternative models such as RGB or CMYK, because of differences in the ways the models emulate how humans perceive color. RGB and CMYK are additive and subtractive models, respectively, modelling the way that primary color lights or pigments (respectively) combine to form new colors when mixed.
Graphical depiction of HSV. References: Wikipedia
ACA Color Picker supports for capturing the color value of any screen pixel and displays its value in HSB/HSV format. To apply this feature, please do following steps:
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