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HTML Webpage to Image SDK - Add HTML to image, HTML to PNG feature to your application with a few function calls!

ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control v4.40

Are you a developer? Do you want to add "HTML to image", "HTML to JPEG", "HTML to PNG" feature to your application?

Now, you can try ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control, with a few function calls, it takes the snapshots of given URLs as JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and EMF image, it helps you convert the web page to images in batch, capture full length website screenshots, generate thumbnail image previews of web pages!

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Support Windows 32-bit and 64-bit both!

Tips: ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control is a developer SDK for converting HTML web page to image. If you are looking for a windows application to coverting HTML web page to image and save HTML to JPG/PNG/GIF/TIF files, please free trial ACA HTML to Image Converter.

Add "HTML to image", "HTML to PNG" feature to your application with a few function calls!

Do you want to take a screenshot from a web page in your desktop or web application? ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control takes the snapshots of given URLs as JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and EMF image, it helps you convert the web page to images in batch, capture full length website screenshots, generate thumbnail image previews of web pages. Now, you can add "HTML to image", "HTML to PNG", "HTML to JPG" feature to your application with a few function calls!

ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control can be used to convert not only web pages but also plain text files or Web Archive Format (*.MHT) files into JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and EMF images.

ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control is a small self-contained (no third-party dependencies) ActiveX control, so it can be used from any ActiveX-ready languages (comprehensive samples for the most popular provided). The basic usage is as easy as few function calls, but there are also many options and tuning possibilities.

The Features of ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control

  • Convert HTML web pages, mht and txt to image on the fly or in memory
  • Convert web pages to various image formats like JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and EMF, you can add html to jpg, html to gif, html to png, html to bmp, html to tiff, html to wmf, html to emf, html to image features to your own application.
  • Capture the whole web page, or a thumbnail image of a specified size
  • Selectively show ActiveX, java applets, Java Scripts and Videos on a web page
  • Support for controling the color depth
  • Support for controling the image DPI
  • It can be used with many programming languages and popular server side script languages like Visual C++, Visual Basic, Delphi, C#, Java, ASP, ASP.Net, VB.Net, PHP and Perl etc.
  • Get rich samples written in Visual C++, Visual Basic, C#, Perl, ASP,, PHP, etc.

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There is a 30-DAY MONEY-BACK GUARANTEE on our products , even though you also have 30 days to try it for free before registering! The 30-day money-back period starts at the time of registration (purchase). If you buy now you will be enjoying all the benefits of the registered version within minutes!

Example Snapshots

Sample Codes: Convert HTML to image with VC++, php, ASP, C#, Java

  1. VC++ Sample Code: Convert HTML to image with VC++:
  2. void SnapExample(){
      CoInitialize(NULL); // Initializes the COM library on the current thread
      IThumbMaker * t_xpMaker = NULL;
      HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(ThumbMaker), NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, 
        __uuidof(IThumbMaker), (void**)&t_xpMaker);
      if ( SUCCEEDED(hr) ){
        t_xpMaker->SetURL( _T(""));
        long t_lRet = t_xpMaker->StartSnap();
        if ( 0 == t_lRet ){
          t_xpMaker->SaveImage( _T("c:/acasystems.png"));// Snap successful, save the image
          // call WIN32API ShellExecute() to open the image by default image viewer.
          ShellExecute( NULL, _T("open"), _T("c:/acasystems.png"), NULL, NULL, SW_SHOW);
  3. PHP Sample Code: Convert HTML to image with PHP:
  4. <?php
      $t_xMaker = new COM('ACAWebThumb.ThumbMaker') 
        or die("Start ACAWebThumb.ThumbMakerfailed");
      if ( 0 == $t_xMaker->StartSnap() )
        // Capture HTML to image successful, call SetImageFile() to save the image.
        echo "Take screenshot successful." ;
  5. ASP Sample Code: Convert HTML to image with ASP:
  6. <%
      set t_xThumbMaker = server.createobject("ACAWebThumb.ThumbMaker") 
      t_xThumbMaker.SetURL ("")
      if  0 = t_xThumbMaker.StartSnap() then
        ' Save the image with full size
      end if
  7. C# Sample Code: Convert HTML to image with C#
  8. // Set the image filename.
    string t_strSaveFolder = Server.MapPath("./");           
    string t_strLargeImage = t_strSaveFolder + "\" + "main-thumb.large.png";
    // Create instance
    ThumbMakerClass t_xThumbMaker = new ACAWebThumbLib.ThumbMakerClass();
    // Start convert web page to image
    // Save the image with full size in C#
  9. Java Sample Code: Convert HTML to image in Java
  10. import sun.awt.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.peer.*;
    public class Snap
      public static void main( String[] argv )
        Snap t_xSnap = new Snap();
        t_xSnap.Start("", "snapshot-acasystems.png");
      public native void Start(String pi_strURL, String pi_strImageName);

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Online Documents

ACA WebThumb ActiveX Control Online Documents includes the interface reference, class members, function documents and samples.

HTML Converter SDK - ACA WebThumb ActiveX Review

Freedownloadscenter editor's review: ACA WebThumb ActiveX - Helps you convert the web page to images in batch Freedownloadscenter Editor July 16, 2008

A useful package that lets you implement website capture, helps you convert the web page to images in batch, add "HTML to image", "HTML to PNG" feature to your application with a few function calls. More details >>

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