This article shows a solution for converting webpage to image with PHP. If you are a webmaster or web developer, you may want to show the webpage thumbnail image in your website. ACA WebThumb ActiveX can help you to implement converting webpage to image with a few funcion call in PHP, it helps you convert html page from any URL to image or thumbnails easily and quickly, takes the snapshots of given URLs as JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP, TIFF, WMF and EMF image.
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PHP script code for converting webpage to image:
<? // Set the save folder // [IMPORTANT NOTE]: // This sample saves the snapshot to the folder on the work dir of this script. // Please make sure the script has the WRITE permission in this folder. // You can also set the value to other folder, for example: // $t_strSaveFolder = "c:/temp"; $t_strSaveFolder = dirname(__FILE__); // Set the image filename $t_strLargeImage = $t_strSaveFolder."/main-thumb.large.png"; $t_strSmallImage = $t_strSaveFolder."/main-thumb.small.png"; // Create instance ACAWebThumb.ThumbMaker. $t_xMaker = new COM("ACAWebThumb.ThumbMaker") or die("Start ACAWebThumb.Maker failed"); // Set the URL and start snap $t_strURL = ''; $t_xMaker->SetURL($t_strURL); $t_iRet = $t_xMaker->StartSnap(); if ( 0 == $t_iRet ) { // snap successful, save webpage to image with full size. $t_bRet1 = $t_xMaker->SaveImage($t_strLargeImage); // save webpage to thumbnail with 320x240 size $t_xMaker->SetThumbSize (320, 240, 0); $t_bRet2 = $t_xMaker->SaveImage($t_strSmallImage); // show the image online. if ( $t_bRet1 && $t_bRet2) { echo "The snapshot from <a href='".$t_strURL."' target=_blank>".$t_strURL."</a>:"; echo "<a href='main-thumb.large.png'>img src='main-thumb.small.png' border=1></a>"; } else { echo "ERROR: Can't save the snapshot to folder ".dirname(__FILE__).". "; echo "Please make sure the script has the WRITE PERMISSION in this folder."; } } else echo "ERROR: Snap from ".$t_strURL." failed. "; ?>
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